The start of a new calendar year presents a prime opportunity to refresh your employees about company policies. And while it’s useful to give them updates about the dress code and how to log PTO, training employees to safeguard company data is a critical task. With the global average cost of a data breach at...Continue Reading
If you don’t work in IT, take computers apart for fun, or even care about what happens inside your laptop, you may not realize that not all hard drives are created equal. Yes, they all store data — but they don’t all do it in the same way. Many computers use a type of drive...Continue Reading
Could your business survive an attack by a data thief? Financial documents, employees’ Social Security numbers and bank account information, medical records, sensitive client files, proprietary designs — the results can be catastrophic if cybercriminals get their hands on your company’s data. When your company is done using anything that holds data, it’s essential that...Continue Reading
Data: every business has it, no matter how small or low-tech. Medical offices keep patient files, retailers hold onto records that include customers’ financial information — even dog walkers have sensitive files. Employers of all kinds keep records of employee tax forms and Social Security numbers, the kind of data that can do lasting damage...Continue Reading
Client data. Employee tax forms. Medical records. HR disciplinary files. Canceled checks. Every company — no matter how small, and no matter the industry — keeps sensitive records. Unless your company still uses typewriters and mimeograph machines, those records are probably stored on hard drives in your electronics. When it’s time to upgrade to new...Continue Reading
Every office has (electronic) skeletons in its closets: dusty boxes full of answering machines and fax machines, massive desktop computers that were shuffled into the storage room to make space for new laptops and promptly forgotten. Maybe your office has multiple closets stuffed with ghosts of technology past, like broken telephones and outdated copiers. While...Continue Reading
At Northeast Data Destruction, we are always on the lookout for informative news pertaining to data security and the data destruction industry. At Northeast Data Destruction, we provide secure confidential shredding of all your sensitive documents, files, tapes, media, hard drives and off spec products. Our company is NAID “AAA” Certified, which requires that we...Continue Reading
Many companies will search the internet for “document shredding” to handle their annual purging of files, records, and sensitive paperwork. All companies need to ask the right questions from these service providers, to determine how “secure” each company’s process truly is for secure document shredding. The security of the material to be shredded is vital...Continue Reading
Commercial and industrial hazards can come in many forms. From auto accidents, to fires, weather and water damage, and more. If your office or warehouse suffers fire or water damage, your first thought is getting your employees back to work, and your business back in operation. But, you should also consider risk of an improper...Continue Reading
Do you actually know who you are dealing with when hiring a “certified” document destruction company? I was doing some online research recently in an attempt to determine Northeast Data Destruction’s “ranking” regarding page position, competitors, and listing quality. I performed several different types of searches using various keywords and search engines. One thing that...Continue Reading