Every organization needs secure shredding services. Whether it’s a weekly pickup or yearly cleanout, you must have a reliable way to destroy secure documents, hard drives and other sensitive materials. There’s a lot to consider when you’re comparing local shredding companies, so focusing on NAID AAA Certified services is a good start. Any shredding service that can’t demonstrate compliance with industry best practices isn’t a service your organization should trust with your sensitive materials.
What does “NAID AAA Certification” mean?
Some background: NAID (National Association of Information Destruction) was formed in the mid-1990s as a trade association for the burgeoning data destruction industry. A task force of industry experts spent two years designing a certification program for information destruction businesses, before launching it in 1999. They identified a comprehensive set of rigorous standards that data destruction service providers would need to meet to receive NAID AAA Certification.
In 2018 NAID merged with another trade association to form the International Secure Information Governance & Management Association (i-SIGMA). So i-SIGMA now oversees the certification program, but it’s still called NAID AAA Certification.
5 Reasons to Use NAID AAA Certified Services for Shredding
- NAID AAA Certified services meet regulatory requirements for data destruction compliance.
From HIPAA to FACTA and state regulations, there’s a whole network of laws on the books that govern the disposal of private data. These laws basically say the same thing: Covered entities are responsible for making sure sensitive data they have about clients/patients is permanently and properly destroyed. Letting any files with sensitive information be thrown away or recycled is noncompliance.
Whether or not your organization is covered by HIPAA, FACTA or other privacy laws, using NAID AAA Certified services to destroy all your sensitive materials helps maintain compliance and protect your data. Certified shredding services are very familiar with the regulatory requirements that affect their customers across different industries. If your organization is ever audited, it will be helpful to have records proving you always use a reputable service for shredding hard drives and all other private data.
- Certification requires unannounced audits.
Unannounced audits are essential for assessing the way a data destruction company really operates. Passing random and unannounced audits is a standard part of maintaining our NAID AAA certification. Shredding services can’t let their security standards slip for even one day, just in case an auditor arrives.
- NAID AAA Certification is voluntary.
It’s important to note that information destruction businesses don’t have to receive certification by i-SIGMA or any other governing body. It’s certainly a lot easier to skip it than go through the extensive application and audit process.
So why do it? Maintaining certification is critical if you’re a reputable service provider that wants to keep working with government entities, medical providers, financial firms, and other security-conscious customers who do their due diligence. A shredding service that’s less concerned with its reputation and longevity might not bother with credentials.
- Employee background screening is rigorous.
A common concern around data destruction for large organizations is, “Can we trust the strangers we’re handing this over to?” Employee screening is a core part of the NAID AAA Certification process for exactly that reason. Individuals who have access to customers’ data must pass a criminal record search, employment history verification, drug testing, and other checks.
NAID AAA Certification also requires that drug testing and criminal record checks are repeated on an ongoing basis. Anyone with a history of crimes like fraud, burglary, or data theft would be disqualified. If someone with that background wanted to try working in data destruction, they’d know to look for companies that have less stringent hiring policies.
- Following data destruction best practices is good for business.
There are many arguments to be made for why good shredding policies are so important to a business’s bottom line. Of course, there’s the reputation angle. Being liable for a data breach of customer/patient information could make your organization seem less trustworthy. And now that so many people are aware of data security risks, prospective new customers might ask about your data protection policies. It’s best practice to tell them exactly what you’ll do to safeguard their information, all the way down to destroying their obsolete data using NAID AAA Certified shredding services.
For business owners, solid data destruction policies could be beneficial if you ever decide to sell the business or even apply for a loan. A prospective buyer or lender will dig into your business’s operations to decide if you’re a good investment. Don’t let any weaknesses in your security procedures become a strike against you.
Call Northeast Data Destruction for NAID AAA Certified Services in Massachusetts
Northeast Data Destruction is proud of maintaining NAID AAA Certification since 2008. It’s important that our customers know how seriously we take the safeguarding of their sensitive data. If you have any questions about our NAID AAA Certified services, or any questions about data destruction in general, contact me today!