Customizing Shredding Services for Different Industries

All businesses need shredding services, but not all businesses use their shredding services in the same ways. A chain grocery store, a doctor’s office and a small accounting firm are all going to need different things from their shredding company. Having the flexibility to tailor your business’s shredding services to...
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Media Shredding: What You Need to Know

In a time when just about everything seems to be stored in the cloud, physical media can seem downright quaint. Things like CDs and tapes used to be part of how everyone did business. Today, many businesses probably don’t even own any equipment that could play an audio tape. But...
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Are You Meeting Your Consumer Product Safety Act Obligations?

If your business makes or sells physical products, you can’t afford to neglect the Consumer Product Safety Act.  Manufacturers, importers and retailers have obligations under the law. It’s been on the books for more than 50 years, but many business owners are probably unclear about exactly what the law requires...
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An update on New Consumer Protection Requirements for 2023

We all enjoy invisible benefits from consumer protection laws every day. Consumer protection laws have been created to address a range of problems, from annoying telemarketing calls to predatory mortgage lenders and identify theft. For business owners, consumer protection laws can be a double-edged sword. Sure, they may protect your...
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Have Digital Documents Changed Your Shredding Practices?

Digital documents have made a lot of business processes easier than they used to be back when everything was done on paper. Cloud-based systems have allowed businesses to access data and tools from anywhere, at any time. Tech advancements have changed the way we create and store information—but they shouldn’t...
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Four Steps To Make Sure Your Shredding Event Goes Smoothly

Your business might reap multiple benefits from organizing a shredding event. First, it’s a good opportunity to clean out your facilities and offices so you can get rid of obsolete materials, hard drives and files in a secure way, creating more storage space. Businesses also host shredding events that are...
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Own This Type of Business? You Need a Materials Shredding Plan

Shredding important documents is practically muscle memory for business owners and employees at this point. Unless someone is careless or uneducated about data security risks, everyone in your organization is probably good about putting sensitive documents into locked containers for secure shredding rather than in open recycling bins or trash...
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Best Way to Avoid Data Breach Liability? Be Prepared

Imagine the worst-case scenario happens and your business experiences a serious data breach. Let’s say after upgrading your company’s computers, you failed to destroy some obsolete hard drives properly, and a malicious outsider targeted those drives to use the data to steal sensitive information. Not only would your own financial...
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Cell Phone Recycling FAQs: Steps for Secure Disposal

How many cell phones have you gone through in your lifetime? Most of us have probably lost track at this point. You might have one or two old phones gathering dust in a drawer at home or in your office right now. Every upgrade brings up the question – what’s...
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3 Ways Delayed Data Destruction Can Impact Patient Health

We’ve talked before about healthcare data breaches and why timely document shredding is so essential for protecting patient data. Healthcare entities risk HIPAA violations and could expose patients’ private medical and/or financial information to outsiders with delayed data destruction. It’s easy to see how a data breach could affect patient...
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