
Hard Drives and Media
A blue hard drive shredder.Hard drive shredding is still essential for good data risk management.
Has your business experienced a data breach yet? If not, it’s probably only a matter of time. Someone in the office might download an attachment from a phishing email and accidentally spread malware. There could be a breach in some cloud-based software program your company uses, or your data could be exposed in a vendor’s...
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Media shredding is not a thing of the past. Here’s why today’s businesses need to make sure media shredding is included in their data security policy.
In a time when just about everything seems to be stored in the cloud, physical media can seem downright quaint. Things like CDs and tapes used to be part of how everyone did business. Today, many businesses probably don’t even own any equipment that could play an audio tape. But that doesn’t mean your old...
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One of the biggest challenges that businesses have around data security is that things always seem to be shifting. Every time you bring a new kind of IT system or technology into your organization, you have to figure out how to use it and figure out how to protect any data that it is linked...
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Knowing how to dispose of old computers securely is a critical part of a comprehensive data security plan. Old hard drives, like these, contain sensitive data.
Can your business function without computers? If it can, you’re running a unique operation. Computers are entirely essential for most organizations. Your business might own more computers than it has employees. Most of those machines will probably reach the end of their lifespans within the next few years. And every one of them probably contains...
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Proper Data Destruction for Media Other Than Hard Drives The data destruction industry has done a great job at getting out an important message: Hard drives are treasure troves for data thieves, and donating or throwing away an obsolete computer could expose all sorts of sensitive information stored on its hard drive. You would probably...
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Cleaning out the old makes way for the new—but for too many businesses, bringing in new equipment means exposing confidential data, in part because many people don’t know how to wipe a hard drive properly. Why Hard Drives Must be Disposed of Properly Like all technology, hard drives don’t last forever. You’ll probably have to...
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